Sunday, July 30, 2006

Well, it's nice to know I haven't forgotten everything...

You Passed 8th Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!

I question this one, however...

# If you took measurements of a bowling ball both on earth and the moon, which measurement would be different in each place?

* Weight
* Volume
* Mass
* Diameter

I think volume and diameter might change due to the extreme differences in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

Remember, in space, no one can hear you cussing because you failed to pick up that easy spare.

Monday, July 24, 2006

YouTube - VENT Hezbollah's American Victims

YouTube - VENT Hezbollah's American Victims

The question: What do we care about Hezbollah? It's not our fight, right? We should, as Pat Buchannan asserts, only go after them if they come after us.

The answer: They have come after us. Many times. Michelle Malkin gives us the scoop.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Boy, is my face red

I just realized that I have to moderate comments on this blog. I just approved a bunch of 'em, so if you posted something, it's up now. My apologies.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Too soon?

IMAO: Is this Spam?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Infiltrating Yearly Kos: Tinfoil hats spotted

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Infiltrating Yearly Kos: Tinfoil hats spotted

Just when Conservative bloggers are trying to think of something to write about, the Kos kids come through.

Friday, June 23, 2006

So good, it's just gotta be fattening.

Somehow, I ended up on a mailing list where I get fund raising letters from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). I don't know how I got on the list, and most of their e-mails end up getting caught by my spam blocker, where I generally happily delete them. Occasionally, I'll report them for spam, but I kinda feel sorry for them and occasionally I'll read them for a laugh.

Today, I got a personal note from Representative Jack Murtha (D-Pennsylvania). Now most of you should be well aware that Murtha is a critic of the war in Iraq, and has recently shown his incredible military planning skills in suggesting that we pull our troops out of Iraq and deploy them on missions in the Middle East from a base in Okinawa, thus making their mission impossible and alienating yet another of our allies in the GWOT.

This guy's a genius. I just had to read his note. I mean, it's only polite, since he took the time to write.

There's a screen shot up above so you can see I'm not making this up.

Nice picture, Jack. Apparently, the "senior citizen in mid-rant" look has been selected as a major plus in Democrat fund-raising this year. It's gotta be all the rage with the crucial AARP/KOS kids caucus.

Let's read the text of the letter, shall we?

Dear Nicholas,

Well, it's nice that we're on a first name basis.

To all the Republicans who sit in their air-conditioned offices and talk of the courage it takes for them to keep young kids in harm's way - I say enough. Karl Rove talking about "cutting and running" while he sits on his big, fat backside-saying "stay the course." I say enough! That's not a plan! We've got to have a new direction, and it's clear we need more Democrats in Congress to get that done.

For starters, my office isn't air-conditioned, but it does have a fan. Maybe you think that's a bad thing, Jack. I think it's important to keep fighting the GWOT, though, so I'm sure you're saying "enough" to me. I would take exception to referring to our military as "kids", however, since they are men and women, and I think you owe them a bit more respect. As for Karl's "big, fat backside", well, you don't look all that svelte yourself, Congressman. Pot, I'd like you to meet Kettle.
No matter how obvious the mistakes in Iraq become, or how many Americans get fed up, Republicans in Congress and the White House will label you a traitor to your
country if you stand up and question them.
No, they haven't. I haven't heard anyone who's a Republican in an elected position call anyone a traitor. You might want to get those voices in your head looked at.

Me, however, I'll call you a traitor. I don't do so because you're standing up and questioning them. I do it because you're actively attempting to destroy our war effort. But I'm not elected to anything. I'm just a guy with a blog.
I'm not naïve enough to think it won't be an issue in the election year but
accusing people of being unpatriotic cheats good Americans out of any chance for
a real resolution to the mess in Iraq. And while this issue of war is neither a
Democratic nor a Republican one, the need for new leadership in the House is
clearly an issue.

Golly, you're right! Putting Pelosi in charge is a sure-fire way to solve our problems in the Middle East. Are you sure you're not just a little bit naïve?
While the Republicans have been busy name calling, the situation in Iraq has
only gotten worse. The insurgency has grown exponentially. IED attacks, where
our troops are sitting ducks for an enemy they can't even see, have increased
steadily. And the patience of the American people for this flawed policy is
running out.
The situation in Iraq? Zarkman's dead, a constitutionally-elected government is in place, local military and police are taking more responsibility every day, and oh yeah, they haven't flown any more planes into buildings over here. This is worse? Only for the Democrats.

We need to put an end to these outrageous attacks on people who disagree
with Bush and his Rubber Stamp Republican Congress's "sit and watch" plan
for Iraq. My colleagues in the House Democratic leadership are so committed
to winning a Democratic majority that they have offered to match all
contributions that come in from before midnight on June 30th.

We need to put an end to outrageous attacks, all right. How about we start with yours?

With a Democratic majority, we would have an honest debate about the war. The
American people's concerns and opposition would be recognized.
So, we haven't had an honest debate so far? I've been telling the truth. Are you finally admitting that you haven't?

Double Your Impact Now With a Matched Gift and Help Win a Democratic Majority.

Last week, during the House floor debate, I hoped the Republicans would
have realized that the majority of the American people do not support this war.
I hoped that they would have recognized that the American people need more from
their government than a Republican Congress that asks no questions and demands
no answers. But that didn't happen, and it's clear we need a Democratic majority
to chart a new course.

When I offered a concrete plan to get our troops out of harm's way, where they
have become the target, I didn't expect every member of Congress or every
candidate to agree with my specific proposal in this debate. But I did expect
them to acknowledge that there is more to be done than sitting and watching.

Congressman, your "concrete plan" was to station our troops so that in order to perform their missions, they would have to fly 5000 miles through Chinese and Iranian airspace to get to their destinations. Nobody acknowleged it because it was crazy. People have a lot of respect for your service back when you had some honor, and I don't think they wanted to humilate you in public. They were trying to be nice.

Geeze, some guys can't take a hint.

Double Your Impact Now With a Matched Gift and Help Win a Democratic Majority.

The single most important thing you can do right now as a supporter of the
DCCC is make a contribution.

Except that I'm not a supporter. I think I'll hang on to my money, thank you. Or, just maybe, I'll write a check to the RNC. Thank you so much for helping me to make my decision.

Thank you for all your help, it's so important.

No problem. Now, get those voices checked out, OK?

Sincerely, Jack MurthaMember of Congress, Pennsylvania's 12th District

P.S. I hope you will join me in my fight. Our candidates have to be able to
fight back against the Rove Machine's traitor talk in order to start getting
Congress to move towards finding real solutions. We need a Democratic majority
to change the direction in Iraq. Contribute before midnight on June
30th and your contribution will be matched, doubling your impact towards winning
a Democratic majority.

Let's see, the direction in Iraq is good - Zarkman's dead, new government, Iraqui getting stronger, etc. Electing Democrats will change this direction. Who's side are you on, Congressman?

Anyways, thanks for making my case for me.

Monday, June 19, 2006

A quick report on last week's BCRC meeting

I had the pleasure of seeing Chief Art Acevedo of the California Highway Patrol give a brief talk at last week's meeting. He's acting, in his private capacity, as an advisor of some sort on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign, and came to fly cover for the Gov's immigration policy. His main arguments were that local law enforcement simply doesn't have the resources to handle the Federal Responsibilies in the area of rounding up illegal immigrants and shipping them home.

He also expressed quite rightly the fact that the Democrat-Liberal-Media complex is using the immigration issue to cast Republicans as racist. This is, as I have noted before, a key part of their strategy to drive the Latino vote deeper into the Liberal Plantation.

Needless to say, the guy caught a lot of flak. Many of the members of the BCRC are quite deeply in the nativist camp. They aren't seeing the big picture. As I pointed out to several members after the meeting, while it's important to protect and enforce our borders, and illegals are costing us money and breaking our laws and violating our sovereignty, the only thing that really matters to me is not having my city go up in a nuclear fireball. In order to accomplish this, I strongly believe that we need to elect Republicans. Regardless of how they wish to attack this issue, we need to win the GWOT. None of them had an answer for this.

I'll be backing Arnold, even if he isn't as pure on the immigration issue as I might like him to be.

End of story.